The Keys to Lifelong Youth
For successful women who want to rejuvenate and shine naturally
Be sure of your youth and vitality in old age
So that you can enjoy EVERY moment of your life to the fullest and without limits and have the world at your feet.
You still feel so young in spirit,
but your body lets you down.
Du alterst offensichtlich ohne Einfluß zu haben.
Das zunehmende Alter, der körperliche Abbau, die Vergänglichkeit sind das unaufhaltsame Problem. Die körperlichen Wehwehchen, Falten und erschlaffte Haut, sind die knallharten Fakten des Alterungsprozess. Trotz Pflege und all deinen Bemühungen kannst du das Altern nicht stoppen oder rückgängig machen.
Not only does the fear of aging arise, you also feel frustrated and powerless because you cannot escape aging despite all the measures available. It is unfair, even though you are trying so hard and are already doing so much.
And while you are overcome by powerlessness, I offer you .....
This holistic and sustainable solution.
Individual 1:1 support – your personal journey to rejuvenation and inner balance
If you want to delve deeply and work intensively on your individual issues, my 1:1 support is exactly the right thing for you. I offer a maximum of 2 places for personal collaboration, each lasting at least three months. During this intensive time, we focus specifically on your personal concerns. I bring all of my knowledge and experience to support you on your path to more vitality and inner balance.
During the entire support period, you will also receive free access to the monthly group calls – a bonus that gives you additional exchange and the energy of the community.
To ensure that this path is exactly the right one for you, I offer a no-obligation preliminary consultation. Here we can find out together whether you are ready and whether my support is suitable for your goals.
Are you ready for your personal journey?
Register for a preliminary interview and discover how this 1:1 support can help you. I look forward to getting to know you!
course offerings
This work was very profound and interesting, which beliefs and blockages and fears I had behind the aging process. For me there are no limits anymore. I started learning Chinese, my hip pain has disappeared and even at 75 years old I allow myself to look at the love of my life again in this section. Thank you very much Shirin, you are really an insider tip.
Good morning magic woman, as always a short report, the wrinkles (upper lip) have improved. I wish you a wonderful weekend
Holistic rejuvenation through the wisdom of our ancestors
Discover the deep-rooted influences our ancestors have on our aging process. In this weekly class, we explore how energetic and epigenetic imprints have been passed down through generations and how they affect our lives and vitality today.
Weekly meetings
Every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. we meet for an hour to understand and transform the legacy of our ancestors on a conscious and energetic level. If you have already dealt with energy work, energy medicine or epigenetics, you will know that our consciousness is shaped by many invisible influences. In these four sessions per month we deal precisely with these influences and learn how we can use the wisdom of our ancestors to positively influence the aging process.
course structure and interactivity
The course runs monthly and you can register for a full month at a time. There are four sessions per month where we will delve deeper into different topics related to the aging process. The focus of each session will be announced in advance so that you can embark on the journey to more vitality and inner rejuvenation.
​The sessions are interactive and recorded. If you cannot attend live, you will still be included energetically and have the opportunity to listen to the sessions afterwards and experience their effects.
course details
• When: Every Wednesday at 6 pm
• Duration: 1 hour per appointment
• Duration: 1 month (4 appointments)
• Bonus: Lifelong Youth video course
Price: 250,- Euro
Are you ready to expand your consciousness and gain a new understanding of the aging process? Register now and start your journey to a new, holistic understanding of aging.
Mit Life Long Youth unterstützen wir dich auf allen Ebene deines menschlichen Daseins deine Verjüngerung so zu aktivieren. Die Epigenetik deiner Körperzellen wird so verändert, dass du dich nicht nur jung fühlst und verhältst, sondern dein Körper und Geist in Verbindung mit Deiner Seele Vitalität und Leichtigkeit mit der Lebensneugierde und der grenzenlosen Freiheit leben.
Hör auf es alleine zu versuchen und lass dir von Expertinnen helfen.
The 3-Week Video Course
Stay young all your life
Die Abbuchung erfolgt durch
Learn More
Deep relaxation, hypnosis and meditation not only reduce our stress levels, they can also dissolve our limiting beliefs.
Jenny F. Frankfurt
"Shirin's deep relaxation helped me to no longer feel this pressure. I know I can age without wrinkles and without Botox or injections."
NH, Munich
"I've only been listening to your MP3 for 3 days now and I have to smile... because the topic of wrinkles suddenly seems overrated - I mean, I, who had Botox injections before, is so chilled right now... for that alone it's worth the money!"
Hedwig D., Frankfurt
Dr. Mansouri's calming and relaxing voice really helps me to fall asleep. Since I've been listening to this deep tension in the evening, I feel more energetic and fitter in the morning. Thank you very much."