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Meine Philosophie

Holistic health and rejuvenation services by Dr. Shirin Mansouri, focusing on body, mind, and soul.

Du bist einzigartig und verdienst eine einzigartige Behandlung für Deine Gesundheit, für Dein Wohlbefinden und auch um deine Schönheit und Jugendlichkeit auf ganzheitliche Weise zu erhalten. 
Für mich ist der Weg der Genesung ein heiliger Prozess, der weit über körperlicher Genesung hinausgeht. Es ist ein Miteinander, bei dem Patienten, Angehörige und Behandelt gemeinsam eine Atmosphäre schaffen, in der Heilung auf allen Ebenen geschehen darf- körperlich, emotional, geistig und seelisch.

"Wenn Wissenschaft auf Mind- und Heartset trifft entsteht ganzheitliche Medizin,
denn der Mensch besteht aus Körper, Geist und Seele."

Why I Do What I Do

Helping people has never been just a profession for me – it’s a calling that comes from deep within. Growing up in a family of doctors, I learned early on how important it is to care for others. But my personal story is what truly shaped this path: When I was 15, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and our entire family faced challenges that changed us forever.

I witnessed firsthand how life and quality of life can shift dramatically – not just for the patient but for everyone around them. I know what it feels like to reach your limits, to search desperately for answers, and to feel powerless. These experiences not only inspired me to become a doctor but also to place the connection between body, mind, and soul at the center of my work.

Throughout my career, particularly as a plastic surgeon, I have seen how deeply people can suffer from the loss of a breast, the visible effects of chemotherapy like hair loss, or other changes to their bodies. The pressure to stay young, the fear of aging, or the feeling of not being enough can deeply impact one’s confidence.

But I’ve also learned that changes driven by fear or self-loathing rarely lead to lasting satisfaction. It makes all the difference whether we work against our bodies or for them – whether we act out of self-hatred or self-love.

My Approach

I believe that true rejuvenation and transformation can only succeed when they come from a place of abundance, self-acceptance, and inner dignity. There’s a fundamental difference between rejecting and fighting your body, forcing yourself to change out of negative emotions – or celebrating, caring for, and lovingly doing what’s best for yourself.

In English, there’s a beautiful word for this: graceful. It describes a sense of dignity and elegance with which we can embrace the aging process – not to resign ourselves to it, but to use this foundation to embark on a rejuvenation journey that transforms not only the external but also the internal.

My Services

1. Rejuvenation & Longevity
I help you create the future you desire – with a youthful, vital body, greater self-confidence, and a deep sense of fulfillment. Whether through one-on-one coaching or group calls, we’ll develop a path based on self-love, not fear, to help you reach your full potential.

2. Team Building & Communication Training in Healthcare
As a doctor, I understand the challenges teams in hospitals, clinics, and other medical settings face daily. At the same time, I know how essential harmonious teamwork and clear communication are for a positive work environment. My training sessions help strengthen teams and improve collaboration – bringing more ease and efficiency to your daily professional life.

3. Individual Health Guidance
For those looking to complement their healing journey with holistic approaches, I offer personalized health guidance. Together, we’ll explore alternative and complementary methods to support your body, mind, and soul, enhancing the traditional healing process.

Your Path to Me

If my story or my words resonate with you, I invite you to reach out. Whether you’re interested in joining a group call, organizing a communication training for your team, or designing your own path toward a fulfilling and healthy life – I’m here for you.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey.

Beruflicher Werdegang

2023: Geschäftsführerin von WhaleRider GmbH- Gemeinsam für Gesundheit

Seit 2022: Leitende Oberärztin in der Abteilung für Plastische, Ästhetische und Mikrochirurgie, Sana Klinikum Hof, Chefarzt PD. Dr. Dr. med. E. Polykandriotis

2021: Teilzeit Tätigkeit als Ästhetische Chirurgin
2020: Start Projekt gemeinsam für Gesundheit
2017 -  2019: Goldstadt Privatklinik als Fachärztin für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie, Hypnotherapie.
Seit 2016: Mentor und Coach für Schönheit und Jugend

2015 -  2018: Kommunikationstrainerin & Hypnotherapeutin & Fascilitator 
2011 -  2016: 1. Oberärztin in der Abteilung für Plastische- Ästhetische- und Handchirurgie, Klinikum Wetzlar, Chefarzt Dr. T. Dodic
2009 -  2011:
Assistenzärztin in der Abteilung für Plastische- und Ästhetische Chirurgie, Asklepios Klinik Birkenwerder, Chefarzt Dr. K. Ueberreiter
2007 – 2009: Assistenzärztin in der Abteilung für Plastische- und Hand-chirurgie, Friederikenstift Hannover,    Chefarzt PD. J. Kopp
2005 -  2007: Assistenzärztin in der Abteilung für Allgemeinchirurgie, Parkklinik Weißensee, Berlin, Chefarzt PD. Dr. med. G. Arlt
2003 -  2005: Beginn AiP im Schwerbrandverletztenzentrum mit plastischer Chirurgie, Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin Marzahn, Chefarzt Dr. med. B. Hartmann
2003: Promotion elektromagnetische Stimulation bei Epicondylitis humeri radialis, Neurologische Abteilung der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Betreuer: Prof. Dr. med. J. Rollnik





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Hol Dir jetzt mein Buch.
Holistic health and rejuvenation services by Dr. Shirin Mansouri, focusing on body, mind, and soul.


2024: Ancestral Clearing Training with John Newton

2023: Sculpturing for Plastic Surgeons Face and Neck Florence

Moderator Training

2019-2022: Vocalcoaching

2018: Warrior Camp - Spanien
London - Business Growth Bootcamp

2017: Arizona - Blair Singer Ultimate Personal Development Program

2016: Singapur - Blair Singer Fascilitator Program    

2014: Sculpturing for Plastic Surgeons Las Vegas
IPRAS New York City   Teilzeit Tätigkeit als Ästhetische Chirurgin
2013: Calixto Garcia - Abteilung Plastische Chirurgie, Havanna- Kuba
2012: Interplasteinsatz Sierra Leone
2011: Interplasteinsatz Ruanda
2010: Interplasteinsatz Ruanda 

2009: Interplasteinsatz Ruanda
2008: Interplasteinsatz Kamerun
Hospitation  Department of Pediatric Plastic Surgery Vancouver
2007: Interplasteinsatz Iran
Hospitation Toronto, Halifax

2006: El Salvador - Hospitation mit  Spendengabe
Hospitation Canada- Montreal Dr. Mouffarage

Hospitationen in Boston Harvard University, Boston University, New York City Mount Sinai Cancer Center,
Fort Lauderdale, Madrid, etc...

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